16 Mar 2017 Yaron Brook in Sarajevo
Association “Multi” in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo, the Balkan objectivist center and Ayn Rand Institute will host prof. dr. Yaron Brook. The lecture will be held on April 04 at 17:00 at the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo.
How to deal with your own talent, enterprise development and ethics will be central theme of lectures. How ethics of free markets affect the release of the individual to develop personally and commercially? Prof. dr. Yaron Brook, next to Ayn Rand, is one of the most popular representatives of the philosophy of objectivism in the world, the philosophy that promotes a new way of thinking about capitalism and rational interest.
Doctor Brook is director of Ayn Rand Institute, co-author of the US bestseller, “The revolution of the free market: the ideas of Ayn Rand can put an end to big government” and a former columnist for the “Forbes” magazine. He worked as a professor in finance, and his articles have been published in reputable journals such as “Wall Street Journal” and “USA Today”. Doctor Brook teaches across America and the world about the subject of objectivism, foreign policy and business ethics while encouraging investment in yourself through business ideas. Ayn Rand Institute is the organization that deals with the study and promotion of the philosophy of objectivism, with a goal to educate and create a culture based on individualism and reason.
The event is open to the general public. Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1243526439058630/